Agnus Day this week

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Frustrated Youth Leader

Have you ever been really frustrated as a youth leader? Of course your have. Have you ever said, "How many want to get together and pray before school at your campus?...No one?...Okay, then how many would be interested in hosting a free car wash next month for the senior citizens?...Anyone?...No?...Ok

ay, then how about..." In youth ministry cycles there come periods when no one acts like they want to do anything for the Lord. Casual Christianity seems to rule.

Tip: When no one wants to get involved, have the teens plan, and host the event. By giving them ownership, they just might put in the time and energy. Teens might not mind if your plans don't work, but they will if their plans don't work.

Does this work all the time? Probably not but it is sure worth giving it a shot.