Agnus Day this week

Agnus Day appears with the permission of

Thursday, February 12, 2015

BRAVE Young Adult Retreat / Ignite Conference and Expo

Start the year with an excellent, relaxing weekend of learning and socialising at the beach with a diverse group of young Anglicans and their friends.  Use the time to think through where you're at now, how you could use your time this year, and how to find balance in the key areas of your life.  Challenging elective topics from visiting experts will be balanced with lots of time for reflection and discussion. Be Brave and register quickly - registrations close Sunday 16 February!

IGNITE Conference and Expo Registrations Filling Fast!

Saturday 7 March, Mueller College, Rothwell

Come and be INSPIRED

Don't miss this chance to meet and hear from David Wakerley from HillSong in Sydney. David will unpack what INNOVATE can look like. More locally, Josh Laack, Caleb Hearne and Naomi Cahill are some of our local young leaders who will inspire you with their INNOVATIVE ideas.

Come and be TRAINED

72 training electives! Where else can you get such a broad range of ministry topics on offer presented by some of the country's best trainers. Choose 3 topics from any of these categories: Family Growth, Ministry with 0-5s, Gospel in Culture, Schools' Ministry, Social Justice, Technology in Ministry, Empowering Children. Bring your team and glean as much as you can!

Come and be RESOURCED
With more than 30 resource booths already booked this is your one-stop shopping location to start your year. Plenty of time to browse and talk in person with resource providers.

Come and be SURPRISED

Will you be the recipient of our $1000 Ministry Grant?  Will you receive an Excellence in Ministry Award?  Will you get one of the free resources given away on the day?  Will the coffee van coffee be better than your NescafΓ© Gold?


Dan Warlow is leading our Pre-Show Program and is launching his first CD at the conference. Enjoy your lunch near the outdoor stage to be entertained by Domino the Jester (Wayne van Wijk), Joh Knijnenburg, GROT the puppet (Fiona Cran) and some Wide-Eyed Stories (Catriona Pine). Look out for the Agents of Truth and Ringo the Clown wandering around the venue.

πŸ˜„ FREE for Junior Leaders enrolled at school
πŸ˜„ FREE for country delegates
πŸ˜„ FREE for Senior Pastors
πŸ˜„ Travel Subsidies available for remote travellers
πŸ˜„ 'FIRED UP" - a separate program for RI teachers with a discount rate for previous attendees of the RENEW Conference
πŸ˜„ $1000 to give away on the day
πŸ˜„ 'twenty4' retreat for leaders of leaders in ministry with children & families